Jessica Mae: SUNFLOWER

Monday, February 11, 2013


Sunflowers are such pretty flowers! This past weekend we celebrated Dallin's mothers' 50th birthday! Sunflowers are her favorite so why not make her a sunflower cake! Baking is such a stress reliever for me. Even though...I have made cakes that make me stressed out, I just enjoy it so much! Yay for kitchen-aids and their help in the kitchen!!

I even had some good help! Isn't she just the cutest little one ever?!


  1. Omgggg I love this! You are truly so talented, incredible cake! What a sweet little girl....amazing!

    XO Jenna

  2. That is amazing! I have never seen a sunflower cake!

  3. I was just creeping along on some blogs and came across yours and seen this amazing cake! Sunflowers are my ABSOLUTE favorite and this is gorgeous. I must say I'm a tad bit jealous of your talent (:



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