Jessica Mae: Dress and Boots

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dress and Boots

Sometimes life gets really busy and I have to put my blog on a little break and lately it has definitely been busy. This past weekend was really nice though. We were able to hang out with friends Friday and Saturday night, eating and playing games. Two of my favorite things :)

So last week I started a fitness program. Specifically called Bikini Body Guide by Kayla Itsines. It's a 12 week program and I'm stoked about it. It's not the easiest, but I have a few friends doing it as well so it's nice to have that motivation. I was going to the gym before, but never had a set routine I would do. Mainly ride the bike and some weights. After starting this I feel so much better about going to the gym. It's so exciting to me to be completing this and putting my full self into it. I'm not endorsing anything, but I just truly believe that if you put your mind to something it can be done!

Ok enough of my words of wisdom for the day. I actually took these pictures a couple months ago and I completely forgot about them. So yay for dresses and boots!


  1. I'm also doing Kayla Itsine's program! I'm on Week 3 and it is killer, but SO good. Good luck!

    1. Good luck to you as well! I'm such a fan of it and I love running into other girls also doing it!

  2. This is definitely your shade of color! It looks perfect on your skin! You should come link up over at my style & beauty link up! The Style Files Link-Up

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that :)


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