Jessica Mae: When life gives you....melons

Thursday, July 24, 2014

When life gives you....melons

Lemons... I know. But close enough.

Fruit is so in right now. Like fruit fashion. Pineapples are everywhere! It seems like when you buy a pineapple it's required to take a picture of it to post on Instagram. Nothing wrong with it, but I find it funny that all of a sudden pineapples took over all social media!!

Anyways, I'm bringing in the watermelon to today's post. I absolutely love this shirt. I feel so summery in it and the color is so happy! This weekend we are heading to an amusement park and pretty sure I'll be wearing this. Man. I so wish today was Friday, but we're so close!!!

Watermelon tank- c/o Oasap
Sunglasses- c/o Oasap
Sandals- Forever 21
Cardigan- Forever 21


  1. Cute top! Love that cardigan too!
    <3 Christina

  2. I love the top! I've seen pineapple tees but haven't seen a melon one.


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