Jessica Mae: Friday Freebie

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Freebie

Here's a new background I made. On so you think you can dance, they performed a group number about bullying. It was such a strong message and was even stronger shown through a form of art. It amazes me of the level that bullying has come to tody. It is something that should not be tolerated and something that needs to be stopped. I feel everyone needs a little more kindness in their lives. Be kind everyone. Just be kind to everyone. :)

Click here for the lock screen.

Click here for the home screen.

Also! Check out Ariel's giveaway! A chance to win a pair of earjax!!


  1. Have you watched the documentary "Bully"? It is SO powerful! It kind of scares me to send off my daughters to school, where I cannot protect them and school administrators might be too overwhelmed with the demands from those above them.
    What a complex, emotional subject.

    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}

  2. Everytime I see you make one of these I wish i had an iphone to put this on


Thanks for the comments! I love them! I read every single one and I try to reply to all of them :)