Jessica Mae: Dark Chocolate-Peanut Butter Banana Bites

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dark Chocolate-Peanut Butter Banana Bites

Try to say that title 5 times fast. Ok... this is probably one of my favorite low-calorie snacks/desserts. They are so easy to make and they don't really go bad. If I see a banana going bad, I quickly cut it up and dip the pieces into a sauce pan with melted dark chocolate and peanut butter. Put them in a sandwich bad and place in the FREEZER. Whenever you get that sweet craving just grab one of these. I'm usually satisfied with just one! Sometimes I go for two ;)

So really..just get some dark chocolate and peanut butter. I would say...

-3/4 dark chocolate
-1/4 peanut butter

The amount you choose to put in is based on how many bananas you are dipping.

Enjoy! I promise these are addicting!


  1. Replies
    1. I know right?! They are seriously DELICIOUS!

  2. YUM! Thanks for sharing. I love banana and I love chocolate. This is brilliant

  3. I love making these! but i froze mine and tasted just as good!

  4. I bet these are delicious! I HAVE to try this soon!

  5. Bananas and chocolate? Why, yes! :) It's a delicious combination!

    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}

  6. Today is the anniversary of Elvis's death. I usually commemorate with a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, but I think I might try these. I'd feel less guilt after ;) water damage Winston Salem NC

    1. I've made that sandwich before and it is soo good as well :)


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