Jessica Mae: Vacation Part III-Yellowstone

Monday, June 24, 2013

Vacation Part III-Yellowstone

This part of our vacation was probably my favorite part! We went to Yellowstone National Park and I had never been there before. It was just gorgeous. Saw so many animals and I don't think I've been that scared of an animal before. Seriously though...we were on the path and this huge buffalo was within 3 yards of us. The rest of the family took it like champs. Me on the other hand was quite frightened of what this fellow was thinking in his head. No worries though, we made it out safe and sound. Except for the smell of the stink pots. Seems like I'm complaining. Not at all. It was all good fun.

In vacation part II I showed how we had an Avengers themed party for Lizzy. Well really the whole weekend was Avengers themed. Our homemade t-shirts were proof of that :)

Get ready for picture explosion!


  1. Super pictures! Looks so much fun! wish i lived in the USA!

    >> came by you trough bloglovin hop, see you soon
    Love, The mind of an exchange

    1. Thanks! It was a lot of fun! A cool place to visit

  2. Nice photos! Sigh, sometimes I wish the US were much closer to us.


    1. Thanks! It was a really cool place to visit

  3. I love the themed shirts!! Great pics! That's crazy you were 3 yards away from a buffalo - I'd be freaking out ;-) Xo

    1. I was freaking out! That picture does not show how close it really was haha

  4. Stopping by from Friend Connect Blog Hop.
    Cohost @JLenniDorner

    Looks like a lot of fun had on the super volcano!


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