Jessica Mae: First Christmas

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First Christmas

What a lovely day it was yesterday. Being able to spend the day with my family and just being able to relax. It was our first Christmas together this year. There's no one else I would have rather been with. I think my favorite part of Christmas morning is watching people open the gifts I got for them. I have such a good time picking out gifts I know my family members will love! 

These pictures are bad quality, but that's ok! 

I hope everyone had a Merry Merry Christmas :)


  1. Adorable! I just love your shoes -- and that may be the most perfect ballerina bun I've ever seen!

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks so much. So sweet of you! They are from H&M and were very reasonably priced. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  2. What a cute blog! I found you on the blog hop. I hope you had a great Christmas! I'm your newest follower!

    1. Thanks so much! I actually just found you as well!


  3. Hi, thanks for following me, I'm following you back now! My youngest brother is on his mission right now in North Carolina! Did you guys get those crazy storms? Hopefully not! Looks like you enjoyed your Christmas!

  4. Ahh I just saw on your Google + you've lived in Wilmington, (stalkerish I know, sorry!) Anyways, that's where my brother is serving!! Small world!

    1. Hi! We did get those storms, but it was pretty relaxing actually :) what is your brother's name?! That is so crazy! I'm sure my parents know him!

    2. Oh good, on the news they made is sound like it was going to be crazy! His name is Elder Roberts, he's only been out there for like a week and a half. His email said he's in the Wilmington 1st Ward.

    3. That's so crazy! That's the ward we are in haha I'll have to say hi on Sunday

  5. Cute blog!! I love your pics and your shoes!! :-) Xo


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